October 22, 2024

Site Guide


Updated May 23, 2024

If you have not already, start by reviewing Requirements to Fly.

Any pilot (visiting or local) who is not approved to self-guide for a particular launch or landing zone (for more info read intro on our Guide Pilots page) must be accompanied in person at launch by a Guide Pilot who has the authority to approve or deny the guided pilot’s launch and landing zone plans based on skills determination and current conditions. Each pilot is responsible for their own decisions and flight if permitted to fly. TAF Guide Pilots are able to ground pilots from flying if they deem such action appropriate.

Top | Front Face/North Launches | Gold Hill Launches | Landing Zones

General Site Guidelines

  • All flights should be with 2M FM radio with receive and transit capability tuned to frequency: 151.925.
  • Access to Telluride Ski Resort (TelSki) launches are subject to Seasonal Access rules.
  • High desert conditions.  Thermals can be very strong (2000fpm mid-day mid-summer).
  • High alpine mountain launch sites – dry air can mean small turbulent thermals.  The high altitude means takeoffs and landings are at much higher speeds than they would be at sea level.
  • Hazards of a ski area flying site – buildings, lift towers, lift cables.
  • Weather can rapidly change, especially mid-late morning with changes from blue sky to serious over-development in under an hour.
  • Mini-wing use notes: recommend to only fly early morning and late evening.  Not recommended in thermic conditions.
  • Landings within the TelSki boundary are STRICTLY PROHIBITED and incur an automatic suspension from the club.
  • When upper-level winds are out of the North (300º through 60º), even when light, landing in the valley can be extremely turbulent and treacherous, especially with evening flights. These days should only be flown if planning to land before 10am in the valley or by experienced XC pilots looking to fly XC.
  • Landings in the valley are not recommended 12 pm-5 pm May-August.
  • Access to TelSki launches only by hiking, gondola, ski lift, or TAF-owned vehicles.  See Seasonal Access details below.
  • No commercial flights unless pilots show to a member of the TAF board proof of commercial insurance and proof of permission from Telluride Ski and Golf for commercial flights (currently only Telluride Paragliding meets these requirements).
  • Speed and mini-wing (MW) flights have the same requirements as paragliders and hang gliders and the pilot must have a minimum M-1 rating.
  • All landings made at the below listed Town of Telluride-owned LZs require TAF membership and adherence to all Requirements to Fly irrespective of whether the launch is being made from a TelSki launch site or not (e.g. hike and fly from USFS/BLM land).
  • Federal Aviation Administration regulations state it is illegal to fly above 17,999 feet ASL.

Top | Front Face/North Launches | Gold Hill Launches | Landing Zones

Drivers and Driving

TAF owns two trucks which we use to access our upper TelSki launches (Bushwacker and Gold Hill) during our Summer Access period.  The trucks are typically parked in the Shandoka parking lot at the southwest corner of town which acts as a meeting spot on flyable days at our upper launches.  All coordination to drive up to the upper launches occurs on Telegram.  We welcome drivers who are willing to ride up with us to then drive the truck back down and park it in the Shandoka lot.  Drivers must be registered with TelSki at the following link before being allowed to drive on TelSki property:


All Ski Lifts, Ski resort structures, and the Gondola Line have a No Fly Zone that extends 175ft horizontally and 300ft above any such structure. Under no circumstances shall a pilot fly into this no-fly zone. In the event that a pilot needs to fly over any such structure or line and is able to do so with at least 300ft clearance, they must take the shortest route across this zone without turning/thermal-flying until they are clear of the zone. The penalty for violating the Lifts No Fly Zone is a 3-month suspension of flying privileges for local pilots or one year for visiting pilots.


Top | Front Face/North Launches | Gold Hill Launches | Landing Zones

Overview of All Launches and Landings

Top | Front Face/North Launches | Gold Hill Launches | Landing Zones

Front/North Face Launches

Milk Run
Summer & Winter Access

Summer Access Only

Summer Access Only

Summer Access Only

Gold Hill Launches

Gold Hill (morning) East
Summer & Winter Access

Gold Hill (evening) West
Summer & Winter Access

Landing Zones

Pearl Property
Year Round Access

Valley Floor
Year Round Access

Town Park
Year Round Access

Top | Front Face/North Launches | Gold Hill Launches | Landing Zones

Seasonal Access to TelSki Launches
(all of those listed above)

While our landing zones are open 365 days/year, and there are no restrictions on hike and fly launches on federal land, our TelSki launches listed above have seasonal restrictions.  There are two seasons which apply to use of our launches, defined as follows, with corresponding permissions for use:

Summer Access

All of our TelSki launches listed above are open during the Summer Access period.  Summer Access begins the day the Gondola opens for the summer season and ends on October 1, unless we receive permission from TelSki to extend to October 15.  TelSki usually grants this extension, but it is subject to re-approval each year.  If you are considering flying in the October 1 – 15 window, please check our Telegram channel or contact a member of our board for the latest on whether we have received the required extension.

Winter Access

Only Gold Hill East, Gold Hill West, and Milk Run are open during the Winter Access period.  Winter access includes times when TelSki lifts are open to the public.  In addition to normal requirements to fly, TAF members must have a valid lift ticket or season pass and use proper ski/snowboard equipment to access the Winter Access launches, carrying paragliding gear in a backpack/rucksack.  Hang gliders are not allowed for transport to the launches unless special advance arrangements are made through the TAF board with TelSki.  If our winter launches are not yet open for skiing/riding, we must get explicit permission from TelSki mountain operations or ski patrol to enter closed areas; please coordinate any such requests on Telegram. No launching is permitted after 3pm. It is critical that we not in any way interfere with TelSki mountain operations or skiers/riders on the mountain.

Top | Front Face/North Launches | Gold Hill Launches | Landing Zones

Milk Run Launch, Telluride Ski Resort (TelSki) – Summer & Winter Access


  • Milk Run launch 37.932409°N latitude, -107.831924°W longitude
  • P3/H3 with Guide Pilot or approval of 3 Guide Pilots to self-guide.
  • P2/H2 with an instructor on the radio (not under TAF but under PASA-certified school Telluride Paragliding), or only if full-time local known to Guide Pilots or visitor with extensive experience flying with approving TAF Guide Pilot at another site.
  • Morning launch, suitable for HG, PG or MW.
  • Mini-Wings may be flown provided the pilot holds a minimum M1 Rating, in addition to P3 rating.
  • Danger of TURBULENT LEE SIDE CONDITIONS (NOT LAUNCHABLE) west wind rotor mid-morning through the remainder of the day. The time that this comes in changes throughout the season but generally between 10am and 11am.
  • Required Glide to Designated LZ: 2.5
  • High altitude launch (10,500ft) requires much faster launch speeds, very important when considering a low wind launch.
  • Recommended Use Parameters:
    • Wind Direction 75-105 degrees (thermal cycles)
    • Wind Strength (MPH)
      • HG 0 min, 8 ideal, 10 max, 10 gust factor
      • PG/MW 0 min, 5 ideal, 10 max, 5 gust factor

Top | Front Face/North Launches | Gold Hill Launches | Landing Zones

Cimarron Launch, TelSki – Summer Access Only

  • Cimarron launch 37.929472°N latitude, -107.831361°W longitude
  • P3/H3 with Guide Pilot or approval of 3 Guide Pilots to self-guide.
  • P2/H2 with an instructor on the radio (not under TAF but under PASA-certified school Telluride Paragliding), or only if full-time local known to Guide Pilots or visitor with extensive experience flying with approving TAF Guide Pilot at another site.
  • Morning launch, suitable for HG, PG or MW.
  • Mini-Wings may be flown provided the pilot holds a minimum M1 Rating, in addition to P3 rating.
  • Danger of TURBULENT LEE SIDE CONDITIONS (NOT LAUNCHABLE) west wind rotor mid-morning through the remainder of the day. The time that this comes in changes throughout the season but generally between 10am and 11am.
  • Required Glide to Designated LZ: 2.5
  • High altitude launch (10,500ft) requires much faster launch speeds, very important when considering a low wind launch.
  • Recommended Use Parameters:
    • Wind Direction 75-105 degrees (thermal cycles)
    • Wind Strength (MPH)
      • HG 0 min, 8 ideal, 10 max, 10 gust factor
      • PG/MW 0 min, 5 ideal, 10 max, 5 gust factor

Lookout Launch, TelSki – Summer Access Only


  • Lookout launch 37.925673°N latitude, -107.828703°W longitude
  • P3/H3 with Guide Pilot or approval of 3 Guide Pilots to self-guide.
  • P2/H2 with an instructor on the radio (not under TAF but under PASA-certified school Telluride Paragliding), or only if full-time local known to Guide Pilots or visitor with extensive experience flying with approving TAF Guide Pilot at another site.
  • Morning launch, suitable for HG, PG, or MW.
  • Mini-Wings may be flown provided the pilot holds a minimum M1 Rating, in addition to P3 rating.
  • Danger of TURBULENT LEE SIDE CONDITIONS (NOT LAUNCHABLE) west wind rotor mid-morning through the remainder of the day. The time that this comes in changes throughout the season but generally between 10:00am and 11:00am.
  • Required Glide to Designated LZ: 2.5
  • High altitude launch (11,000ft) requires much faster launch speeds, very important when considering a low wind launch.
  • Recommended Use Parameters:
    • Wind Direction 75-105 degrees (thermal cycles)
    • Wind Strength (MPH)
      • HG 0 min, 8 ideal, 10 max, 10 gust factor
      • PG/MW 0 min, 5 ideal, 10 max, 5 gust factor

Top | Front Face/North Launches | Gold Hill Launches | Landing Zones

Bushwacker Launch, TelSki – Summer Access Only


  • Bushwacker launch 37.915247°N latitude, -107.821397°W longitude
  • P3/H3 with Guide Pilot or approval of 3 Guide Pilots to self-guide.
  • P2/H2 with an instructor on the radio (not under TAF but under PASA-certified school Telluride Paragliding), or only if full-time local known to Guide Pilots or visitor with extensive experience flying with approving TAF Guide Pilot at another site.
  • Morning launch, suitable for HG, PG, or MW.
  • Mini-Wings may be flown provided the pilot holds a minimum M1 Rating, in addition to P3 rating.
  • Danger of TURBULENT LEE SIDE CONDITIONS (NOT LAUNCHABLE) west wind rotor mid-morning through the remainder of the day. The time that this comes in changes throughout the season but generally between 10am and 11am.
  • Required Glide to Designated LZ: 2.5
  • High altitude launch (11,800ft) requires much faster launch speeds, very important when considering a low wind launch.
  • Recommended Use Parameters:
    • Wind Direction 75-105 degrees (thermal cycles)
    • Wind Strength (MPH)
      • HG 0 min, 8 ideal, 10 max, 10 gust factor
      • PG/MW 0 min, 5 ideal, 10 max, 5 gust factor

Top | Front Face/North Launches | Gold Hill Launches | Landing Zones

Gold Hill East (morning) Launch, TelSki – Summer & Winter Access


  • Gold Hill East launch 37.903899°N latitude, -107.821858°W longitude
  • P3/H3 with Guide Pilot or approval of 3 Guide Pilots to self-guide.
  • P2/H2 with an instructor on the radio (not under TAF but under PASA-certified school Telluride Paragliding), or only if full-time local known to Guide Pilots or visitor with extensive experience flying with approving TAF Guide Pilot at another site.
  • Morning Launch, suitable for HG, PG, or MW.
  • Mini-Wings may be flown provided the pilot holds a minimum M1 Rating, in addition to P3 rating.
  • Steep, intimidating launch. Cycles are usually light and require a forward launch or aggressive reverse launch.
  • As the morning progresses can switch between E and W cycles and see dusties come down the ridge.
  • Required Glide to Designated LZ: 3.5
  • You cannot see any permitted LZs from launch.
  • High altitude launch (12,200ft) requires much faster launch speeds, very important when considering a low wind launch.
  • Recommended Use Parameters:
    • Wind Direction 45-90 degrees
    • Upper level winds: Below 15 at 12000ft; Below 20 at 18,000ft
    • Wind Strength (MPH)
      • HG 0 min, 10 ideal, 15 max, 10 gust factor
      • PG/MW 0 min, 5 ideal, 10 max, 5 gust factor

Gold Hill West (evening) Launch, TelSki – Summer & Winter Access


  • Gold Hill West launch 37.903715°N latitude, -107.822929°W longitude
  • P3/H3 with Guide Pilot or approval of 3 Guide Pilots to self-guide
  • Typically afternoon/evening launch, suitable for HG, PG, or MW. Occasionally flown as a midday/morning site by experienced (P4) XC pilots.
  • No Mini-Wings due to glide required to permitted LZ.
  • Unable to see designated LZs from launch, basic soaring and or thermal-flying skills required to clear ridge separating launch and LZ.
  • Friendly/smooth grassy launch.
  • Evening cycles are usually quite strong until almost dusk, strong reverse launch skills are usually required.
  • Required glide to designated LZ: 7.5 (to clear ridge/gondola station)
  • You cannot see any permitted LZs from launch.
  • Requires pilots to clear a ridge on a 7.5 to 1 glide and therefore soar or thermal (or at least not sink out) for part of the flight in order to reach a safe/permitted LZ.
  • High altitude launch (12,200ft) requires much faster launch speeds, very important when considering a low wind launch.
  • Recommended Use Parameters:
    • Wind Direction 45-90 degrees
    • Upper level winds: Below 15 at 12000ft Below 20 at 18,000ft
    • Wind Strength (MPH)
      • HG 0 min, 15 ideal, 25 max, 10 gust factor
      • PG/MW 0 min, 10 ideal, 18 max, 5 gust factor

Top | Front Face/North Launches | Gold Hill Launches | Landing Zones

Pearl Property Landing Zone, Town of Telluride – Year Round Access


  • Pearl LZ 37.941155°N latitude, -107.821603°W longitude
  • Primary LZ for PG pilots.
  • North wind may create landing site rotors, avoid landing in the Pearl on N days.
  • Can be turbulent over condos/homes, best to set up upwind (west) over the valley in the afternoon and do an aircraft approach.
  • Wet areas may be hidden by tall grass shown in orange.
  • Old fencing may be present along the western boundary.
  • Recommended Use Parameters:
    • 0-15 mph, typically 0-10 mph variable morning wind
    • 0-15 mph west evening wind

Top | Front Face/North Launches | Gold Hill Launches | Landing Zones

Valley Floor Landing Zone, Town of Telluride – Year Round Access


  • Multiple locations along the Valley Floor Open Space.
  • Primary LZ for HG pilots.  Good backup for PG pilots if you miss Pearl or its turbulent.
  • North wind may create landing site rotors, avoid landing in the Valley on N days.
  • If forced to land in the valley and it is turbulent, the Valley Floor is by far the safest option with wide open spaces. The further west (Eider Creek) the less turbulent it should be.
  • Old fencing may be present.
  • Multiple power lines, and poles present.
  • Careful of prairie dog holes near the Shell gas station.
  • Valley Floor landing areas are large, possibly of rotors from trees and power line hazards, but more than enough space for pilots to position away from obstacles.
  • Recommended Use Parameters:
    • 0-20 mph, typically 0-10 mph can be variable and very switchy mid-day
    • 0-15 mph west evening wind

Top | Front Face/North Launches | Gold Hill Launches | Landing Zones

Town Park Landing Zone, Town of Telluride – Year Round Access

  • Town Park LZ 37.933803°N latitude, -107.808019°W longitude
  • Primary LZ for Tandem PG.
  • Restricted LZ. Must be accompanied by Guide Pilot or approved by 3 Guide Pilots to land here self-guided.
  • Multiple fixed and changing hazards of pedestrians, events, fencing, equipment, trees, buildings and pond.
  • Check the park the same day before landing in case of a festival or other sports – all other activities have the right of way.
  • Wind can be variable and very switchy after 10am with strong turbulence from trees and buildings.
  • North wind may create landing site rotors, avoid landing in the Valley on N days.
  • Until 10am-11am typically landing into katabatic valley flow out of Bear Creek.
  • Usually very light-nil wind landing at high altitude. Only recommended for competent spot-landing pilots.
  • Recommended Use Parameters:
    • 0-7 mph before westerly valley flow turns on
    • If the westerly valley flow has turned on best to avoid the Town Park and land at the Pearl or Valley floor LZ’s
  • Additional Guidelines from Town of Telluride Parks & Recreation Department:

The P&R Department wants to help ensure safety of our staff, park users, and the hang gliders & paragliders when landing in Town Park.

    • Landings must work around and not interrupt other park uses occurring on the fields, including maintenance, informal & scheduled recreation, and events.
    • Town Park is significantly busier and the possibility of impacting other park uses is higher in the late morning, afternoon, and early evening.
    • Town Park fields have items regularly setup on them for recreation (fences, goals, etc.) and events and these items may not be moved to accommodate landings.
    • Specific to larger festival operations occurring in Town Park and associated safety concerns, P&R requests that pilots not land in Town Park on the following dates for the 2024 summer season:
      • June 19 – 24
      • August 8 – 12
      • September 12 – 16

Top | Front Face/North Launches | Gold Hill Launches | Landing Zones